
1379a, Harrison Street
San Francisco, CA 94103-4334

About Atomic

Atomic PR was created in 1999 to drive a higher level of communications impact in the post-Internet era. Taking our cue from leading tech brands, we embraced analytics, community technologies, transparency, automation and streamlined workflows to create the kind of opportunities and solve a new generation of PR challenges many companies are now experiencing for the first time.

Our unique approach has driven improvements of 100% and often more across numerous measures of online and offline PR program performance for a wide range of well-known technology, social media, consumer and entertainment brands. Plus stronger linkage between PR and business outcomes, and an easier management experience all around. Atomic has offices in San Francisco, Los Angeles, New York and London plus close affiliated network offices across Europe, Asia Pacific, China and Japan.

Competitors of Atomic

MediaBrains Inc.

MediaBrains Inc.

Our platform powers sites in over 20 markets and reveals how businesses make complex purchase decisions. These unique insights enable us to create effective audience segments and help marketers improve outcomes. Buyers need help making buying decisions: Highly considered business purchases... Read More

Products by Atomic

By Atomic

Mass media, verticals, special interest outlets, corporate blogs, personal blogs, social networks, Twitter, Google, YouTube, mobile. One to many, one to one, many to many, push and pull. These are no longer separate channels and dynamics, they are all part of the evolving continuum people use to... Read more »

By Atomic

Atomic provides high quality classical PR services including expert research and consultation, positioning, messaging, top notch writing across the entire range of PR-related materials, spokesperson coaching, analyst and influencer relations, media relations spanning broadcast, print, online... Read more »

By Atomic

While most people outside of the communications field are not following a large number of communications in real time, nearly everyone today, from consumers to CEOs, types in a term, phrase or company name to a search engine when they're looking for information. At that moment, search... Read more »

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