Looking to increase ROI on your lead generation programs?
Need to quickly separate real leads from the thousands of names in your database?
Wondering which tradeshows, webinars and other events are most productive?
If you’re one of the more than 95% of marketing VPs who answer “yes” to these important questions, you need to learn more about Lead2Value™.
PointClear’s new Lead Development offering lets you quickly and easily convert marketing responses into qualified leads. Lead2Value:
Identifies the real leads from among the thousands of names in your CRM system.
Qualifies the respondents to your webinar, tradeshow, email, and other marketing programs—giving you greater return on your marketing investment.
Assures your sales force stays focused on generating revenue—not culling through lists of hand-raisers.
Helps you understand your best lead sources based on conversion rates, so you can allocate your marketing spend most effectively.
Offers a simple way to qualify leads. You pay on a per-raw-lead basis for quality services.
In short, Lead2Value is the single most cost-effective way to qualify the respondents your programs attract … and get your sales reps in front of more qualified prospects.
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