Praxes Group

P.O. Box 2577
South Portland, ME 04116

About Praxes Group

We assess, design and implement effective growth strategies for (and with) our clients. Our innovative Outsourced Business Development model combines the most powerful elements of disciplines that touch on every facet of the business development spectrum. Our team averages 25 years of real world experience and academic learning. We are different because we apply our deep industry expertise and theoretical knowledge to the execution of thoughtful, precise strategies.

Competitors of Praxes Group

Dataman Group Direct

Dataman Group Direct

Dataman Group offers direct mail, telemarketing lists and email lists with hundreds of different options designed for top response. Homeowners; Mortgage Holders; Hotline Lists of New Homeowners, Parents of Children, New Movers & New Businesses; Ailment Sufferers, Lifestyle & Donor Lists; Turning... Read More

Cold to Sales

Cold To Sales is best sales growth consulting company. We help companies to grow their sales through our proven sales growth strategies. Cold To Sales helps companies to boost their sales by utilizing latest Digital marketing techniques to promote brand value and increase traffic for your... Read More

The List